Belén Torres Barreiro

Dr. Belén Torres Barreiro has received her Ph D. in 2000 working on Design, Processing and Characterization of Metal Matrix Composites. Currently, she is Full Professor in Materials Science and Engineering group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She has carried out a predoctoral research stay at Sheffield University and a postdoctoral stay at MIT-Harvard for 4 months in 2017. During the last 10 years her scientific achievements have been focused in: 1) Corrosion and wear protection of light alloys by means of surface technologies (laser treatments, HVOF and sol-gel coatings); 2) Magnesium and iron for temporary biomedical applications; 3) Hydrogels for tissue regeneration; 4) Additive manufacturing of metals for the manufacture of customized and complex parts for transport and health sectors. All her scientific career has been supported with a high number of R&D projects funding by public administration as well as collaborations with the industrial sector.

Many of these innovations, in addition to being published in prestigious journals, have been included in the patents that she has developed. Currently, she is principal investigator of several projects related to additive manufacturing where two strategies are addressed: minimizing the environmental impact through the use of recycled material from aluminum alloys, titanium and stainless steel, and creating new structure designs that reduce the weight, and improve the aerodynamics of vehicles without reducing their properties. Prometia (PLEC2023-010346), RyFcycling (PID2021-124341OB-C21). ADIMAG (PID2021-124341OB-C21).

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Keywords: Lights Alloys; Magnesium Alloys; Composite Materials; Biomaterials; Additive Manufacturing; Laser Treatments; Surfaces Technologies; Recycled; Circular Economy.