Beatriz Romero Herrero

Beatriz Romero Herrero obtained her master's degree in physics specialized in Electronics in 1993 in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In 1993, she joined the Group of Ignacio Esquivias, in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Photonic Technology Department) where she worked in Multiquantum Well Laseres based on GaAs. During her PhD she was part of the team that achieved two consecutive speed records in MQW lasers (33 and 40 GHz respectively. She was also part of the team that developed a Simulation Software for QW lasers, HAROLD, which was licensed in 1998 to the company Photon Design, UK, from which she still receives royalties. Between 1994 and 1998, she did several short-term scientific missions in Fraunhofer Institut for Applied physics, in Germany, and in Technological University of Tampere (Finland).

In 1999, she joined the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where she is a full professor since 2017. Her lines of research include third-generation photovoltaic cells based on organic and perovskite materials, in particular, the study of the cells degradation.

As a professor, Beatriz Romero has done two short research stays in 2012 and 2013 (5 weeks each) in Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy, in Germany, in the group of Uli Würfel. She currently collaborates with IMEC (Belgium), Gdansk University (Poland) and University of Southern Demark.

Research profiles:


Keywords: Perovskite and organic solar cells, perovskite memristors, solar cells degradation, impedance spectroscopy